Uncomfortable movie experiences with your parents

Oh the joys of being in uncomfy situations with your parents!


I can remember the FIRST time this ever happened to me. We were at some friends of my parents’ house and I was maybe 10 when the movie Risky Business came on. Everyone thought it would be good to watch. You would think that the movie’s title would have been a DEAD give away that it was not family appropriate, but you would be wrong!


The sheer terror I felt when the most adult scene starts playing out on a train is indescribable! I had NO IDEA what was happening but you could cut the tension in the room with a butter knife. I was mortified! It wasn’t until I got older that I was able to laugh at how mundane the scene was but for a 10 year old, yikes!


It got me wondering, what movie made you super uncomfortable because you were watching it with your mom and dad?




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