If you could have ONE super power…..


What would it be?


With this onslaught of Marvel movies and super heroes galore, I got to thinking about the super power I’d LOVE to have if I could! I mean we have Wonder Woman who can make people tell the truth. How awesome is that? You have Superman who can stop speeding trains, and bullets, etc. Spider Man who can scale buildings, has speedy reflexes and healing powers. That would be so cool! But what would I want?


Sure, forcing people to be honest would be SUPES helpful in the dating department. Would being able to avoid certain death like Superman be handy? Darn right! Who wouldn’t want to be able to heal themselves like Spidey? I sure would!


There has to be something cooler? I mean the whole Jesus water into wine thing would be epic, except I’m not a huge drinker. Hmmm maybe I could just swap it for turning dirt into pizza! I mean, I LOVE pizza and there is dirt every where!!! Hmmm I think I’m onto something here……


What would your super power of choice be?




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