What is the WORST movie you paid to see?

I was surfing channels last night and came across and oldie but a goodie….



Ever seen Snakes on a Plane? Yeah. Me too. The worst part? I ACTUALLY paid to sit through that ridiculousness!!


Here’s the rub, I LOVE Samuel L Jackson, like, a lot! He is hands down, one of my all time favorite actors. Definitely in the top 10. However, that being said, I was actually angry at him for being in that stupid movie hahaha. Like I held a good ole fashioned grudge for several years.


So last night when I saw that movie on tv, I was instantly mad at him again. It made me so ticked that I had actually paid some of my hard earned money (movies ain’t cheap y’all!) to sit through that piece of poop. I walked out of the movie….


So that brings to my question; what is the WORST movie you have ever paid to see?





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