What is the one thing you eat EVERY DAY!?


I was having this conversation with my dad the other day (We get into some interesting convos he and I!!) and the topic of food came up (As it usually does…).

He made a comment about not getting bored with food. That he could literally eat the same thing every day and not get sick of it. My dad can eat a bowl of chili every day and never tire of it. He actually craves it. If he DOESN’T have it, he feels something is missing. The more we talked about it, the more I realized, I’m EXACTLY the same way.


I can eat a piece of toast every day. Butter. Peanut butter and jelly. Cream cheese and jam. I eat it every day and I didn’t even realize it! Sometimes its in the morning, sometimes at night for a snack when a sweet tooth hits and I don’t have junk in the house.


I know my dad and I are not the only ones who eat the same things every day.


So share with me the one thing you eat every day without fail. The nosey in me is curious…




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