What would I do with an extra $1000 dollars….


So the boss went around the office the other day and asked us all what we would do if we won $1000. (If we could win it, which we can’t but still…)



It took me most of the weekend to figure out what I would do, but to be honest it wasn’t a difficult choice. My parents have done A LOT for me since I moved back home from Atlanta a few months ago. From moving me into my condo, to ensuring that I have food in my fridge, to putting gas in my car, and buying me clothes so I can be cute at work. Just this weekend, my dad delivered a bunch of beautiful furniture for me because I have been essentially living in an empty condo for the last 3 months.


So I decided that If I won $1000, I would take my parents out for a really nice fun evening. A good dinner, a movie or show, and some coffee after (That’s how my parents roll..super casual)


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