What makes your job fun?



So today is apparently “Don’t go to work unless its fun” day. I’m sorry what?! That is AMAZING!

Here’s the thing, I kinda feel like every day at my job is fun. Like seriously, I work at a radio station and I defy you to find a day where something fun doesn’t happen around this place. I cannot even believe I get paid to be here. Most days, I feel like I should pay my bosses for letting me be here. True story. Don’t go tellin’ my boss this cause that could be a disaster but honest to goodness I love my job.


I get to meet celebrities, as evidenced by the above picture with artist, Tyler Rich. I get to go to fancy parties. I get to meet REALLY cool listeners (that’s you….) and I get to play music for 4 hours! Tell me that isn’t fun everyday!?!?!


So I am curious…..what makes your job fun? The job itself? The people you get to work with? Is your boss a goofball like mine?


Share with me.




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