What movie ending never fails to make you mad?


I love movies! I have seen so many that I can hardly keep track of them. The suspense. The horror. The laughter. The romance. (I mean, does it get any better than Julia Roberts standing in front of Hugh Grant uttering the line, “I’m just a girl standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her” in Notting Hill…Absolutely not!)


But, have you ever watched a movie, gotten so invested in the plot, the characters, the setting only to get to the very end and say “What the……..?!”

I’m not talking about those great cliff hangers that set us up for sequels or even those endings that we didn’t like. Not even the endings that totally shocked us. (Google Primal Fear with Richard Gere and Edward Norton..HOLY WOW!)

I am talking about those INFURIATING endings that don’t tie up loose ends. That don’t give us closure.  Those endings that are unsatisfying. The sort of closing where you’re left feeling annoyed, frustrated and alone.

Here is a few of mine:

  1. The Matrix Revolutions
  2. 2001: Space Odyssey (To be fair it is Stanley Kubrick so its kinda weird anyway)
  3. and how can we NOT mention Titanic. Dude, Jack could have TOTALLY fit on that dang door with Rose!

What are yours?




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