Weird Rules You Had to Follow?

Parents set the rules of the house and as kids we followed them – no questions asked.

For instance, when our friend’s kids come home from school or a friend’s house she makes them take a shower IMMEDIATELY! Like, as soon as they get through the

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door – it’s up to their rooms – strip down – clothes in the hamper – and into the shower.

Why?  she’s convinced that ever deadly sickness in the world comes from other kids (which is probably true).

My mom & pop had their share of bizarre rules.  One crazy rule in the Jones Household:


My dad claimed straws could cut though your tongue or cheek like a hole punch.  Lookin’ back – I think he just didn’t wanna buy us straws.

My friend Jake’s mother wouldn’t allow us to sit on the sofa unless it had it’s plastic cover on.  What’s the point of having plush furniture if you can’t sit on it!  Jaimee Lee’s mom wouldn’t let the boys use the regular bathroom – they had to use the one in the Laundry room.  My Aunt told us not to flush the toilet unless you went #2.  It was a way they saved on the water bill.

Did your parents, grand parents or friend’s parents have any weird rules you had to follow?


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