They Paid $50,000…For a Movie Prop?

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Ya know when you see a movie prop and think, “Man – I would love to have that!”  Someone thought just that when the Mini Bike that Harry and Lloyd rode in the movie “Dumb and Dumber” went up for sale.  It sold for…wait for it…wait for it….

$50 thousand dollars!

That’s right.  A mini bike…for 50 GRAND!  The guy who put it on E-Bay started the bidding started on $8500 bucks.  That dude made BANK!

There are probably loads of better movie props out there that $50,000 could have got you.  If scratch to burn on a movie prop – it would definitely have to be the Delorean from Back to the Future.  And I would want it with a fully functional Flux Capacitor (which is what makes time travel possible).

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That or the Leg Lamp from A Christmas Story...but I’d definitely need get a “green light” from The Princess though.
How about you?


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