How To Get The Most For Your Mongolian Grill Dollar!

Photo courtesy of Andy West/Cumulus Media

I love Mongolian Grill food! The ability to choose the meats, vegetables and sauces I want and the fact that I can fill my bowl as high as possible for one price is awesome. A few months ago I gave my tips for filling your bowl as high as possible because they’ll cook as much food as you can fit (note: if they charge by the pound these tips won’t matter). In short, I was a rank amateur at that time and while my ideas on filling a bowl were better than the average Mongolian grill patron but not as advanced as they are now thanks to the help of a few experts on the matter… other patrons who’s bowl building prowess made my haul look puny in comparison and a worker who shared an insider tip. Thank you to both!

1. Put the frozen meat on the bottom. This may seems like a bad idea because the way the meat curls up seems like it will take up a lot of room in your bowl but just trust me.
2. Pour all of the sauces you want on the meat. This will soften the meat and allow it to sink down flat in your bowl saving space for your vegetables.
3. Add your favorite vegetables and pack them as high as you can go.
4. Stack your noodles on top of the veggies as high as possible. Make sure to dig down and find the stickiest noodles you can. That way you can pile them high and they won’t slip off.

Image courtesy of Andy West/Cumulus Media

This was how I used to stack my Mongolian grill bowl. I tried to use the noodles as a base to anchor the meat that I used to build a wall with to extend the height of the bowl. Sounded good in theory but the tips I’ve shared above yield far better results.


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