What is your most embarrassing childhood story?




Who the heck is Ernie? Yeah, that would be me. Hahaha As a kid I had a pretty good case of dyslexia and it took all kinds of forms. Sometimes I switched numbers around, sometimes I read the same paragraph over and over, and sometimes I would spell things really strangely. Like my own DANG NAME!!!


Yeah I can’t remember the whole story but allegedly, on a homework assignment, when I was a little kid, I wrote my name Erin, as Ernie. ?‍♀️


I was so embarrassed and honestly, still am a little bit to this day. My parent’s jokingly call me Ernie sometimes when I’m being extra goofy or fussy.


What is your most embarrassing childhood story? Pee your pants? Trip in front of the class?


Share and I promise we won’t laugh….





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